asyncio 中执行阻塞代码
在python中,很多常用的API的基本上都是阻塞的。文件读写、控制台的读写、request等都是基于同步阻塞的编程模式设计的。怎么解决这个矛盾呢?如果不想全部用异步模式重新实现那些API,当然就只能把阻塞的代码放到单独的线程或进程里了。因此在实际的项目中,就算我们使用异步模式,也不可避免的要用到同步多线程或者多进程模式。如果接受不了,请选择Nodejs 吧。在NodeJS里,绝大部分API都是异步的。
asyncio 提供了一个API(run_in_executor)可以方便地在线程池\进程池运行阻塞代码。
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
def blocking_io():
# File operations (such as logging) can block the
# event loop: run them in a thread pool.
with open('/dev/urandom', 'rb') as f:
def cpu_bound():
# CPU-bound operations will block the event loop:
# in general it is preferable to run them in a
# process pool.
return sum(i * i for i in range(10 ** 7))
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
## Options:
# 1. Run in the default loop's executor:
result = await loop.run_in_executor(
None, blocking_io)
print('default thread pool', result)
# 2. Run in a custom thread pool:
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
result = await loop.run_in_executor(
pool, blocking_io)
print('custom thread pool', result)
# 3. Run in a custom process pool:
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
result = await loop.run_in_executor(
pool, cpu_bound)
print('custom process pool', result)