Aria2 的证书权限问题
现在主流的浏览器都强制要求HTTPS,使用HTTPS加载的页面不能加载来自HTTP的任何内容,并且不能使用Websockets 进行通信。最近配置Aria2的RPC并启用SSL加密时,遇到一个权限问题。问题的日志文件描述如下:
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: Parse error in /var/etc/aria2/aria2.conf.main
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: Exception: [] errorCode=28 We encountered a problem while processing the option '--rpc-certificate'.
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: -> [] errorCode=1 Could not get file status: Permission denied
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: Usage:
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: --rpc-certificate=FILE Use the certificate in FILE for RPC server.
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: The certificate must be in PEM format.
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: Use --rpc-private-key option to specify the
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: private key. Use --rpc-secure option to enable
Tue May 12 00:16:57 2020 daemon.err aria2c[19454]: encryption.
RPC SSL 相关的配置如下:
root@cwyyprog:/# ls -l /etc/uhttpd.*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 54 May 12 00:02 /etc/uhttpd.crt -> /root/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 54 May 12 00:02 /etc/uhttpd.key -> /root/
root@cwyyprog:/# ls -l /root/
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 1915 May 12 00:00 /root/
root@cwyyprog:/# ls -l /root/
-rw-r--r-x 1 root root 1679 May 11 23:54 /root/
最后经过好一番折腾没有解决才仔细回忆起最初学习Linux系统时,好像对那些权限设置没什么耐心,只看了最开始的文件权限的部分,觉得后面的内容是无关紧要的细枝末节,没有仔细看。只能重新复习下Linux系统的权限管理体系。这次带着问题去看,果然就不一样了,很快就找到原因了。发现Aria2 还需要配置文件的父级和全部祖级目录的可执行权限,也就是X权限。
chmod -R o+x /root/
This is just what I need to familiarize myself in this field. Looking forward to many interesting and helpful articles from you. the article is very interesting and effective.