
1、vnpy 量化交易平台



Cryptocurrency trading bot written in Golang

Build Status Test Coverage

A cryptocurrency trading bot supporting multiple exchanges written in Golang.

Please note that this bot is under development and is not ready for production!

Exchange Support Table

Exchange REST API Streaming API FIX API
Alphapoint Yes Yes NA
Bitfinex Yes Yes NA
Bitstamp Yes Yes NA
BTCC Yes Yes No
BTCMarkets Yes NA NA
GDAX(Coinbase) Yes Yes No
Gemini Yes NA NA
Huobi Yes Yes No
ItBit Yes NA NA
Kraken Yes NA NA
LakeBTC Yes Yes NA
LocalBitcoins Yes NA NA
OKCoin (both) Yes Yes No
Poloniex Yes Yes NA

** NA means not applicable as the Exchange does not support the feature.

Current Features

  • Support for all Exchange fiat and digital currencies, with the ability to individually toggle them on/off.
  • REST API support for all exchanges.
  • Websocket support for applicable exchanges.
  • Ability to turn off/on certain exchanges.
  • Ability to adjust manual polling timer for exchanges.
  • SMS notification support via SMS Gateway.
  • Basic event trigger system.

Planned Features

  • WebGUI.
  • FIX support.
  • Expanding event trigger system.
  • TALib.
  • Trade history summary generation for tax purposes.

Please feel free to submit any pull requests or suggest any desired features to be added.

Compiling instructions

Download Go from https://golang.org/dl/
Using a terminal, type go get github.com/thrasher-/gocryptotrader
Change directory to the package directory, then type go install.
Copy config_example.json to config.json.
Make any neccessary changes to the config file.
Run the application!


Binaries will be published once the codebase reaches a stable condition.


Coin Trader

Coin Trader is a Java-based backend for trading cryptocurrencies, released under the Apache License. It features:

  • Connectivity to many exchanges
  • Control console (text)
  • Basic order routing
  • Simulated trading
  • Live order execution
  • Schema and persistence
  • CSV output of market data
  • Ad-hoc table reports
  • Modular infrastructure
  • Backtesting
  • Accounting
  • Library of quantitative indicators (TaLib)
  • Bitcoin derivatives (Futures & Swaps)
  • Implied price calculation across multiple markets
  • Base currency accounting
  • 24 Hr OHLC bars

Coin Trader’s future goals include:

  • Reconciliation
  • Flexible data output
  • Web console & graphing


Tim presents Coin Trader at the SF Bitcoin Dev meetup.


Coin Trader requires Java JDK 1.7, Maven, and a SQL database (MySQL default).
Setup Instructions


See the Wiki for more information.
There’s no mailing list, so open a new issue for anything, help or just discussion. Tag it with “Question” and I’ll follow through with you.

Automated Trading

To implement signals and automated strategies, you connect Esper event queries to Java code like this:

@When( "select avg(priceAsDouble) from Trade.win:time(30 sec)" )
void checkMovingAverage( double avg )
  if( avg > trigger )
    context.publish( new MyIndicator(5.31) );

@When( "select * from MyIndicator where myIndicatorValue > 5.0" )
void enterTrade( MyIndicator s )
  orders.create( Listings.BTC_USD, 1.0 )
        .withLimit( 650.25 )

You then attach this class to a Context to receive Esper event rows as method invocations.

24Hr OHLC Bars

Strategy needs to implement a .getInterval() method to return a double in seconds of the size of the bar.

Default simple statful stretegy is 86400 (24Hr) cointrader-esper.cfg.xml

<plugin-view factory-class="org.cryptocoinpartners.esper.OHLCBarPlugInViewFactory" name="ohlcbar" namespace="custom"/>  


  • Create an esper named window to add the OHLC bars into
create window OHLCShortWindow.win:length(10)
    select *
  • Add the OHLC bars to it
insert into OHLCShortWindow
select * 
 from  Trade.custom:ohlcbar(timestamp, priceCountAsDouble, market,TestStrategy.getInterval());

  • Select values from OHLC bar window
select * from OHLCShortWindow as ohlc 



<plugin-aggregation-function name="talib" function-class="org.cryptocoinpartners.esper.GenericTALibFunction"/>  


select coalesce(talib("atr", max, min, last, 9),0) as atr from OHLCShortWindow;

Console Demo

The Coin Trader Console gives you a peek into the engine.

$ ./cointrader.sh console

Coin Trader Console 0.3.0-SNAPSHOT

ct> help
Type "help {command}" for more detailed information.
Available commands:
    • attach
    • buy
    • csv
    • currencies
    • data
    • exchanges
    • exit
    • help
    • jpa
    • listings
    • markets
    • sell
    • set
    • unset
    • unwatch
    • watch
    • watches

ct> data summary
|      Market      | Num Trades | Num Books |
|     BTCE:BTC.USD |       8149 |      2671 |
| BITFINEX:BTC.USD |       3509 |      2551 |
| BITSTAMP:BTC.USD |       1344 |       901 |
| BITFINEX:DRK.USD |       1000 |        21 |
| BITFINEX:DRK.BTC |       1000 |        21 |
| BITFINEX:LTC.USD |       1000 |        22 |
| BITFINEX:LTC.BTC |       1000 |        22 |
| BTCCHINA:BTC.CNY |        134 |        31 |
| BTCCHINA:LTC.CNY |        110 |        31 |
| BTCCHINA:LTC.BTC |        102 |        31 |
|     BTER:BTC.CNY |         47 |         7 |
|     BTER:LTC.BTC |         38 |        84 |
|    BTER:DOGE.CNY |         26 |         7 |
|     BTER:NXT.CNY |         26 |         6 |
|     BTER:DRK.CNY |         23 |         6 |
|    BTER:DOGE.BTC |         23 |         6 |
|     BTER:LTC.CNY |         21 |         7 |
|     BTER:XCP.CNY |         20 |         6 |
|     BTER:DRK.BTC |         19 |         6 |
|     BTER:XCP.BTC |         18 |        12 |
|     BTER:NXT.USD |          2 |         6 |

ct> watch btc.usd
now watching BTC.USD

book: BITFINEX:BTC.USD    587.4 (0.317861) - 588.82 (-1.54641998)
book: BTCE:BTC.USD    583.92 (0.01499999) - 585.99 (-0.01819054)
book: BITSTAMP:BTC.USD    588.79 (0.99999999) - 590.33 (-0.19199999)
book: BITFINEX:BTC.USD    587.4 (0.317861) - 588.81 (-13.94196839)
book: BTCE:BTC.USD    583.92 (0.01499999) - 585.99 (-0.01819054)
trade: BITSTAMP:BTC.USD    590.33 (0.03489999)
book: BTCE:BTC.USD    583.92 (0.01499999) - 585.99 (-0.01819054)
book: BITFINEX:BTC.USD    587.4 (0.317861) - 588.8 (-31.37994228)
book: BTCE:BTC.USD    583.92 (0.01499999) - 585.99 (-0.01180944)

ct> unwatch btc.usd
no longer watching BTC.USD

ct> buy 10.0 bitfinex:btc.usd
Sending order SpecificOrder{id=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, parentOrder=null, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, volumeCount=1000000000}
Order has been placed. SpecificOrder{id=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, parentOrder=null, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, volumeCount=1000000000}

Filled order d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7: Fill{order=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, price=585.57, volume=2.11486695}
Order is partially filled SpecificOrder{id=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, parentOrder=null, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, volumeCount=1000000000, averageFillPrice=585.57}
Filled order d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7: Fill{order=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, price=585.58, volume=7.88513305}
Order has been completely filled.  SpecificOrder{id=d5a2ff79-0eca-445d-a3b3-75d1e80265a7, parentOrder=null, market=BITFINEX:BTC.USD, volumeCount=1000000000, averageFillPrice=585.57788513305}

ct> buy 1 btc.usd
Creating order GeneralOrder{id=a4664af4-a21d-4b77-a999-bc8a78a8d951, parentOrder=null, listing=BTC.USD, volume=1}
Order has been placed. SpecificOrder{id=3ff02408-8269-4bf9-929f-8d2ca060f6fc, parentOrder=a4664af4-a21d-4b77-a999-bc8a78a8d951, market=BITSTAMP:BTC.USD, volumeCount=100000000}

Filled order 3ff02408-8269-4bf9-929f-8d2ca060f6fc: Fill{order=3ff02408-8269-4bf9-929f-8d2ca060f6fc, market=BITSTAMP:BTC.USD, price=584.99, volume=1}
Order has been completely filled.  SpecificOrder{id=3ff02408-8269-4bf9-929f-8d2ca060f6fc, parentOrder=a4664af4-a21d-4b77-a999-bc8a78a8d951, market=BITSTAMP:BTC.USD, volumeCount=100000000, averageFillPrice=584.99}
Order has been completely filled.  GeneralOrder{id=a4664af4-a21d-4b77-a999-bc8a78a8d951, parentOrder=null, listing=BTC.USD, volume=1}


ct> exit



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